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HomeHiking 2022-2023 Season
2023 Feb sculpture
February 26, 2023
Thorn Creek/GSU Sculpture Garden

All of our hiking outings are good, but this one is especially nice.  We incorporate two very distinct settings, beginning in the woods of Thorn Creek Preserve and ending on the grounds of Governors State University.  The two are only about 2 miles apart, so navigating from one to the next is a snap.

Thorn Creek is a very nice, wooded area in Park Forest.  The hike is easy, with no big dips and valleys or dunes to hike.  It was a little muddy in spots, but we managed.  We were surprised by several deer; they were equally as surprised by us!  

Next, we went to Governors State to walk the sculpture garden.  This has become one of our annual places to visit.  We usually begin with the "french fries" and end with Paul Bunyan.  Last year it was very cold and we had to go inside to warm up; this year we were shedding our layers as we grew too warm.  Although there is no photo of this, our very first sculpture John named "wiffle ball."  If you get out that way, you probably won't have any trouble finding it.

Next we were on to lunch.  Everyone was pretty hungry by the time we got to our venue.  We were glad to see free popcorn available to patrons.  Yum.

February 12, 2023
Cowles Bog

Seven hikers came out for the Cowles Bog hike:  John, Bernie, Scott, Andi, Susan, Wes and Ladd.  We were not disappointed.  Our hike was about 5.5 miles with ups and downs along the dunes and to the lake.  We were treated to a sighting of sandhill cranes and unexpected shelf ice - a merge of spring and winter.   Afterwards the group went to lunch in Miller at the Beach Cafe.  We finished up with time to spare for Super Bowl fans to make it home or to a party to enjoy or the game.
2023 February Cowles Bog

2023 Lamont Quarries

January 29, 2023:  Hike at Lemont Quarries


With temperatures hovering around 11 degrees, this group of ten wisely bundled up with several layers to ward off the cold.  However, it was not windy, so once we started out, everyone felt much warmer.   For this hike we brought out various brands of ice cleats.  Overall, the trails weren’t as bad as we thought they would be.  Many of us remembered last year when it was so icy several hikers turned back, not wanting to deal with slippery conditions on the trail. 

It was a beautiful setting with the I&M canal, the snowy landscape and the quarries themselves. Bernie noticed one of the enormous  barges  parked in the water, and he also showed the group the part of the quarry structure that helped change the flow of the Chicago River. The trail loop took the group into forested areas where we saw one bicyclist riding, complete with fat snow tires on his bicycle.

Towards the end of the hike, the group split up; some walked further on and the rest had had enough. Afterwards, several members went out to lunch. A very good day indeed.

Miller Beach/Marquette Park Hike
January 15

We returned to Miller Beach for another great hike.  Although the parking area was open, the Douglas Center itself was closed.  We were concerned we would need to find alternate parking or go to another area to hike, but everything worked out well.  The bridge that crosses over Lake Street has been removed - don't know what's going on with that.  There was no signage indicating what work they are doing there.  But we were able to safely cross without any problem.
The hike itself is always a good one.  There are woods, of course, but also open ponds, rivers and of course, the beach.  The hike to Marquette Park has been an add-on in recent years, and it is a great addition.
Eight members hiked about 7.5 miles:  Bernie, Scott, Jim T., Jeff, Alison, Andi, Susan and John V.   We went a little longer than usual because we missed a trail.  Oh well.
 Afterwards we enjoyed lunch in town.
2023 Jan Miller Beach

2023 Jan New Year's Day hike

Happy New Year Everyone!

January 1st Traditional New Year Day Hike - Plum Creek

It was another cold start for our traditional New Year's Day hike at Goodenow Grove in Crete.  Ten hikers came out for this hike.   Weather had been very unpredictable, but this day turned out to be very nice.  Our distance was around 5.2 miles and we were out there for about 2 hours.  Afterwards we had a very nice lunch at Smokey Joe's in Crete.  

Christmas Downtown Chicago

On Monday, Dec. 18, FOS held its annual Christmas walk in downtown Chicago.  "Thank you" to John Victor for planning our route again this year.  We met at the Cultural Center which is next to the train station.  This meeting spot is not only convenient, it is warm, clean and also has washrooms and a lot of seating while we assemble our group.

Our first stop was the Blackstone Hotel.  From there we visited two other hotels before stopping for lunch at a food court.  This stop is new on our route and everyone liked it a lot.  It was spacious, had adequate seating and several choices for lunch.

We then headed toward Watertower with a stop at Ghiradelli's for candy purchases and hot chocolate.  In addition to viewing trees inside various hotels, we also saw some beautifully decorated planters and store windows along the way.  We also made time for a visit to a gift shop at the Drake Hotel.

Our final stop was Millenium Park where some of us hung around to watch the skaters enjoy the afternoon.  
We ended our day about 3:30.  Everyone was pretty tired and enjoyed another great downtown Christmas walk.

We took a lot of pictures and many of them are displayed below.   Enjoy.   

The Palmer House

The Palmer House

The Blackstone

The Blackstone

The Hilton

The Hilton



Along the way

Along the Way

By Watertower

By Watertower

Bloomingdales tree

Bloomingdale's Tree

Outside 360

Outside 360


A Display

Macys main tree

Macy's main tree

Inside 360

Inside 360

Intercontinental Staircase

The International Staircase

Outside Ghiradellis

Outside Ghirardelli's

Mr Mrs Claus

Mr. and Mrs Claus

Millenium Park

Millenium Park

The Intercontinental

The Intercontinental

The Drake

The Drake Entrance

The Drake The Group

The Drake, The Group

The Drake

The Drake

December 18
West Beach, IN

Six brave souls went hiking at West Beach Dec. 18.   The day started out pretty cold.  Temps were under 10 degrees at the start of the hike.  But everyone stayed pretty warm as long as we were out of the wind.  Hiking in the woods was great; we were dressed for the cold and the trees blocked the wind.
We finished up about 11:30, a little early for our group.  (Probably walked extra fast to stay warm!)  The preferred venue for lunch was not yet open, so several in the group went over to Byway in Highland.
2022 Dec West Beach

A little, but mighty group

Horsetail Lake/Swallow Cliff Hike
Dec. 4, 2022

It seems like the colder it is, the more hikers come out to breathe in that cold, crisp air.  Thirteen hikers came out on very crisp morning to enjoy a walk in the woods.  One of the first things we noticed was the layer of ice on the lake.  Open water shimmered in the bright sun.   It was a beautiful beginning. 
The trails in this area are relatively flat with a few inclines.  And then there's the stairs.  Actually, this is a piece of cake for these seasoned hikers.  The approximately 125 stairs to be tackled were no challenge and everyone made it to the top to enjoy the view from above.  There was a lot of reminising about years past when this was an active toboggon slide.  Several members remembered soaring down the hill in years past.
After our hike we headed to Orland for a great lunch at Papa Joe's.  Everything seemed to enjoy the quiet, seasonal atmosphere.  Another great day!

2022 Dec Horsetail Lake Group
2022 Dec Horsetail Lake Woods

2022 Nov., Bailly Chellberg Group

Dennis, Frankie, Susan, Ladd, Scott, Bernie, Lois

Photographer: Andi.....Not in photo: Wes

November 20  
Bailly Chellberg Farm, Portage, IN

It's hard to find a bad day to hike if you're a FOS hiker.  Early morning temps hovered around 13 degrees.  Brrrrrrrr.  But as the day went on it warmed up, the sun came out and it remained calm - perfect for a hike through the woods. Nine hikers came out for the day.  The trail is pretty flat all the way and includes a trip to the cemetery.  The chickens and cows were also enjoying the day and were out at the farm. 

Lunch almost always follows a good hike.  This time the group returned to Chesterton and enjoyed a bite to eat at a local venue.  

Dunes Trail 9 Hike, November 6, 2022

The trail 9 hike at the Indiana Dunes is generally our first hike of the season.  Its a great "break-in" hike - not too long, some hills and some flat.  Its a good mixture for our first hike of the season.  Weather couldn't have been better.  It started out a little cool but it wasn't long  before we were shedding layers.   We had lunch afterwards in near-by Chesterton.  It was great to be hiking with our group again!
2022 Dunes Fall colors on the pond

Colors on the Wter

2022 Dunes Group on the Ridge

The Hikers

Photographer: Jacob, (Dennis and Frankie's Grandson)

2022 Dunes on the Ridge

On Top of a Dune