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Home2024 Meetings, Socials

September Fall Picnic

Mother Nature was not being very cooperative for our annual September picnic. It rained the whole time. But as Pres JoDell put it, "We are Folks on Spokes.  We host bike rides in the snow." So, at least it wasn't snowing!  We had 15 hardy folks. This year we met at a different shelter. There were a lot of trees which helped to break the wind & the rain.  Everyone was able to stay dry while they ate.

People started arriving shortly after noon, and lots of members provided homemade desserts. The usual lawn games were brought to the event; there was an attempt at playing Bocce ball. Unfortunately, the rain made it nearly impossible to play, plus the members got very wet!

Everyone cheered as Lee pulled up at one o'clock with catering boxes from Heinie McCarthys. Greek and fried chicken were the main course, with several sides. People ate and chatted for quite a while, and then it was time for the raffles. Rick and Lee were our big winners, and both chose pumpkins as their prize! Despite the rain, everyone seemed to have a good time. Folks On Spokes members are like that. 

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Ride to Joey's Hot Dogs

On a very hot Saturday morning, several bikers set out for a ride to Joey's Hot Dogs.  Riders met at Hickory Creek Preserve Junction in Monee and rode about 11 miles to meet up with some non-riders for a hot dog lunch.  4 riders + 3 non-riders = 7 satisfied hot dog eaters!
2024 August Hot Dog Ride

The Riders Saddle up for a Selfie

2024 August Hot Dog Ride 2

Three non-riders start lining up for some excellent Joey's Hot Dogs

2024 August Hot Dog Ride 3

The heat kept the gang indoors as they ate their lunches

They went in search of ice cream…

July 20th was a beautiful, sunny Sunday. This was the day that “Folks on Spokes” had their annual ice cream social ride to the Plush Horse Ice Cream Parlor from Bremen Grove. This ice cream shoppe is a local legend.  It began in 1937 as “The Hobby House” and was renamed to the “The Plush Horse” in 1951. It is consistently voted “The Best” in local media contests throughout Southern Chicagoland.


Riders and non-riders  met up at the Plush Horse about 1:00 pm. JoDell extended an invitation to the Major Taylor club as well, and a group of their members greeted the FOS members as they arrived around 1pm. Between the riders (Major Taylor and non-riding FOS members), there were 14 at the event.


It seemed like the ice cream scoops from the Plush Horse get larger every year. As evidenced by some of the photos, the cones & cups were briming over with ice cream deliciousness! It took a while, but everyone finished their treats. The six FOS riders remounted their bicycles for a 9-mile return to the starting point in Tinley Park.  Everyone was fueled with copious amounts of sugar, which powered the riders on to their destination. No fear, their search for ice cream was over, at least for now!


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2024 July Ice cream ride
2024 July Ice cream ride 1
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Lunch Gathering

Several of us met April 11 just to relax, have fun and enjoy a good lunch.  We met for the second time at Fifth Quarter Tap in Homewood.   The company was great and the food was delicious so there's a good chance we'll return later in the year.

We talked about many things, vacations, spring fling, and of course, biking.  We also talked about bringing back turtle rides.  Those rides are slower and shorter which suits several of us just fine.  Watch the calendar for a posting sometime in May.
2024 April Lunch 3

Pay no attention to the sign...

2024 April Lunch
2024 April Lunch 2
2024 April Lunch 4

March 9, 2024
Isaac Walton Hike and Campfire Lunch

Hikers arrived around 10:30 AM.  It was a chilly morning.  Jim T. led about a 3-mile hike along the lake and around the lagoons.  Surprisingly, the trails were not especially muddy and they were not flooded.  This was a concern because there was so much rain the day before. 

Our group arrived back at the campfire site about 11:50 AM. This was a new location for us.  There was only one fire ring but that's all we needed to get started. There were picnic tables nearby to set up our supplies.

Originally, we were told a boy scout would need to light the fire, but apparently the Issac Walton staff were unable to get a scout that day.  They were fine with us going ahead with our plans and even helped us at the end of the event to put out the fire. 
Our event ended about 2:30.  The day continued to get warmer and we had a very enjoyable time.   We hope to return to this location again in the future.
2024 Mar IW Campfire

Walk around the Lake

2024 Mar IW Campfire 2

The Picnic Area/Campfire

General Meeting and Social, Feb. 15

Our General Meetings are quarterly and usually held on the third Thursday of the month. Eleven hungry members answered the call-out to meet at a Mediterranean restaurant in Tinley Park that Prez JoDell found, called SemSem. They gathered for really good food, lots of conversation, and JoDell managed to squeeze in the meeting as well. JoDell handed out cash to help defray the cost of the meals for the members; the meals were large, and the sides were plentiful, so lots of people took home leftovers.

During the meeting, JoDell announced that there is another community open house concerning the extension of the Old Plank Road Trail. It will deal with the Chicago Heights portion of the proposed extension of the trail. Plus, there will be an Old Plank Road Trail (OPRT) public survey too.                                                                               

JoDell spoke on decisions involving the last campfire of the season. Jim T. had the idea of going somewhere different this year; several people worked on finding alternatives for Plum Creek, and Jim decided on Izaak Walton in Homewood.   It will be on March 9. The club's firewood is currently being stored at Andi’s and will be given to Jim prior to the campfire hike. It’s been a good hiking season, and there are still a few more hikes to go!

Feb 3, 2024
Campfire Social

Our first social event of the year was held at Goodenow Grove in Crete.  The event began with a short hike starting at the campground, through a somewhat muddy trail, to the lake and around back to the start.  This was a leisurely hike which was a nice departure from our usual.

Once the hikers returned, the fire was lit and food was set out.  Everyone had their lunch ready to grill and several brought food to share.  An assortment of chips, dips, and deviled eggs were set out.

Toward the end of lunch, Wes and Sally led a brief memorial for longtime friend and FOS member Tony Lakota.  Wes had a fabulous picture of Tony which he brought for the event and Sally had one as well.  Several members shared memories of rides and other social encounters with Tony.  

Following words of remembrance, some went to the nature center where the Birds in Art was displayed.  This was very worthwhile and enjoyable display.

The party broke up a little after 3:00.  It was difficult to leave.  Not only were we enjoying the conversation, but the sun had come out!    This campfire was a very successful event with 16 members and one guest attending. 
2024 Campfire Hikers

Hikers Before Campfire Lunch

2024 Campfire Wes and Sally

Wes and Sally

Leading Group with Memories of Tony Lakota